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Is water baptism required for a believer?

No. In God’s Word the Bible, Romans 10:9 clearly states “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Why water baptism?

Simply put, because it was modeled to us by our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Matthew 3:13-17/Mark 1:9-11/Luke 3:21-22 (The Synoptic Gospels)

Can I do a re-commitment to Christ through baptism?

Of course. Much like renewing your wedding vows, you are not anymore married then the first time you said your wedding vows. You are not anymore saved after your re-commitment then you are the first time you got baptized. A re-commitment to Christ through baptism is kinda like a renewing of your ‘wedding vows’ to Christ as your Lord & Savior.